Customized Dispersion Compensating Fiber Solutions

Dispersion-compensating fibers are available from M2 Optics in any type of Fiber Lab enclosure solution when needing to reduce chromatic dispersion in a network or test lab application. Since chromatic dispersion occurs as a light signal travels down a fiber, incorporating DC fiber into your link helps to significantly eliminate this detrimental performance effect.  


  • High-performance dispersion compensating fiber
  • Reduces or eliminates CD effects G.652 single-mode fibers
  • Customized to compensate for any distance of fiber
  • Available in both rack-mount and portable enclosures
  • Useful for both network and test lab applications

Available in both rack-mount or portable Fiber Lab enclosures and modules, these DCF solutions are customized to compensate for any user-specified distance, most often for G.652 single-mode fiber distances ranging from 5km to 120km.

dISPERSION cOMPENSATED Fiber dELAY lINES / Optical Time Delays

For RF Over Fiber (RFOF) and other specialized applications that require delay lines with little to no chromatic dispersion effects, M2 manufactures customized high-precision delay lines with integrated DCF that deliver both the desired latency value and dispersion compensation together.

To learn more about dispersion-compensating fibers and customized DCF solutions, contact M2 Optics for more information.