The Fiber Lab 800 offers an efficient, portable solution approach when requiring Corning® fiber for network simulation and optical time delay testing applications and demonstrations. Designed for desk/benchtop use, it protects both fiber and connectors from damage while ensuring consistent performance results.

Customized to exact specifications, each Fiber Lab 800 includes any type of Corning® fiber, precision length (by distance or delay value), and connector type(s) of choice. In addition to making bare fiber easier to work with, the attractive transparent enclosure helps to effectively organize and enhance your testing and demo setup.

Fiber Lab 800 enclosure with a Corning fiber spool

  • Any length up to 30km of Corning® optical fiber
  • Designed to fit Corning® fiber spools
  • Portable for easy handling and storage
  • Professional appearance and consistent results
  • Improves fiber network simulation, latency testing, and device demonstrations

Contact M2 Optics or a local partner sales partner today to learn more or to specify your customized configuration.