What is RFoF?

RF over Fiber (RFoF) is a technology used on distances greater than 200 feet, where coax cable can no longer be used. RFoF works when the Tx module converts the inputted RF signals to optical and sends via fiber. Then the Rx module converts the signal back to RF on the other side. Applicable for Radar, Satellite/Satellite Dish (broadcasting, communications, etc), and GPS applications

Dispersion Compensated Time Delays

Dispersion-compensated fiber can also be used to create time delays for long haul applications in the test lab or network environments. M2 specializes in simulating time delays for data centers and financial institutions. Whether you need to add delays to stagger arrival times, or add a delay to ensure that data from all fibers arrive at the same time, we can customize a dispersion compensated time delay that fits your needs.

Customize your order with your choice of fiber type, fiber length, housing type, connector, delay value (if applicable), etc. 

Idea Applications for RFoF

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